We asked our brokers what they wanted from a household policy, and we were told a comprehensive bedroom-rated policy. Home Assure is exactly that – an easy to use, fully comprehensive policy where the premium is rated on the risk factors rather than the sum insured provided contents cover doesn’t exceed £75,000 or buildings cover £750,000.
Cover available
Our wide breadth of cover provides everything you would expect from a comprehensive insurance product and includes such features as:
- All usual perils are covered including Subsidence and Accidental Damage
- The product provides cover for Contents of £75,000 and Buildings of £750,000 automatically (when that section is selected)
- For sums insured above these simply overtype the values and we then rate on the sums insured rather than the bedrooms
We can also cover:
- Properties undergoing refurbishment with structural alterations
- Private homes that contain rooms used for business or professional purposes
- Full & Limited Perils for Unoccupied Properties, up to £1,000,000 Buildings & £100,000 Contents
- History of Subsidence, Landslip & Heave
- Listed, Grade 1/A & Grade II/B
- Non-standard construction
Tailored Features and Extensions
We recognise that many households have specific insurable needs so we can extend our policy to offer a wide range of tailored features including:
- Hearing aids
- Hot tubs
- Marquees
- Mobility scooters
- Fine wines